Our Six-Point Guarantee to You:

  1. Unlimited Time for Your Survey: We will spend as much time as necessary to undertake your survey. We are not governed by time, and our survey team will only undertake your inspection on the survey date.
  2. ⏱️ Precise Timing: We will always give the vendors/estate agents an exact time when we will arrive. No long waiting windows. We respect your time and theirs.
  3. 🌐 Cutting-Edge Technology: Our surveyors are fully trained to use leading-edge technology during our inspection, as required. From drones and telescopic aerial cameras to thermal imaging cameras, video recording, hygrometers, and moisture meters, we leverage the latest tools to provide you with the most comprehensive assessment.
  4. 🚀 Swift Report Delivery: We understand that time is of the essence. That’s why we guarantee to produce your survey report within 60 hours of inspection, ensuring you have the information you need promptly.
  5. 📞 Personalized Consultations: We will be available by phone or Zoom call to discuss the survey findings and report as much as necessary. Your understanding of the results is essential to us, and we’re here to provide clarity and answer your questions.
  6. ⚖️ Unbiased Advice: At Home-MOT®, you’re not just another transaction. You are our client, and we act solely in your interests. Our commitment to providing independent advice means you can trust us to guide you in making the best property decision for your unique needs.


Experience Beyond Measure: With over 25 years of experience in the industry and thousands of property inspections under our belt, we’re not just surveyors; we’re seasoned professionals. Our journey through countless properties has honed our expertise, earning us multiple awards in recognition of our commitment to excellence.

Local Expertise: Home-MOT® specialises in local areas where we have complete knowledge. Our team’s deep understanding of the local market and regional challenges ensures that your property is assessed with the utmost precision.

Flexible Scheduling: We understand that your time is valuable. That’s why we are flexible with scheduling and happy to work outside of normal working hours to accommodate your convenience if required.

Professional Associations: In additional to having obtained the highest level of compliance with our regulators, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors(RICS), we are proud members of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), and Residential Property Surveyors Association (RPSA), further demonstrating our dedication to professionalism and continuous learning.

Custom Solutions: If the standard survey offerings don’t align with your specific needs, we can provide a custom survey inspection and report tailored to your unique requirements.

Comprehensive Options, Transparent Pricing: Our pricing is clear. The price we quote is the price you pay. Here are the survey options we offer, all of which include all fees and taxes:

Your Satisfaction is Our Priority: When you choose Home-MOT®, you’re choosing a team dedicated to your complete satisfaction. We understand that a property survey is a significant step in your journey, and we’re here to make it as smooth as possible. Our meticulous attention to detail, combined with our commitment to delivering timely and cost-effective results, ensures that you can trust us to support you throughout the process.