Get An Established Property Inspection From Chartered Surveyors in Formby

Looking to live by the sea? Relocating? Investing? Whatever the reason is behind your move, choosing the right property is crucial. Our team of chartered surveyors in Formby provides detailed and accurate property inspections to help you make informed decisions. With our expert insights and thorough assessments, you can confidently navigate the Formby property market, ensuring that your investment is a good one.

Level 2 & Level 3 RICS Home Survey

Formby’s RICS Home Survey Level 2 Assessment:

  • Home Buyer Report: Ideal for conventional properties in reasonable condition.
  • Detailed Visual Inspection: Focuses on easily accessible areas without invasive procedures.
  • Identifies Visible Defects: Highlights significant issues that might affect the property.
  • Condition Ratings: Provides clear ratings for different parts of the property.
  • Advice: Offers general maintenance tips and recommendations for further investigations if needed.

Formby’s RICS Home Survey Level 3 Assessment:

  • Building Survey: Best suited for older, larger, or more complex properties, or those in poor condition.
  • In-Depth Inspection: Extensive examination of both visible and accessible parts of the property, including potential structural issues.
  • Detailed Reporting: Thorough report detailing major and minor defects, their implications, and potential repair costs.
  • Structural Analysis: Includes an official survey of the property’s structural integrity and construction materials.
  • Future Maintenance Advice: Offers detailed guidance on required repairs, ongoing maintenance and potential future issues.
Smiling couple buying new furniture for their home
  • Thorough Inspections: We conduct comprehensive visual and structural inspections of accessible areas, utilising advanced tools and techniques to identify potential issues.
  • Detailed Reporting: we provide clear, detailed reports that outline the condition of the property, including condition ratings, photographs, and descriptions of defects.
  • Actionable Advice: We offer professional recommendations for repairs, maintenance and further investigations.

Our experienced surveyors bring extensive local knowledge of the Formby property market, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and relevant insights. From identifying potential structural issues to assessing the overall condition of the property, our surveys are designed to make you aware of the property you’re buying and understand its condition fully. 

Call Us To Arrange A Certified Property Inspection in Formby

We recognise that buying a home is one of the most significant investments you will make. We’re committed to helping you make an informed decision, actively presenting you with all the knowledge you need. Let our insight inform you, assisting you with the process of purchasing a property in a highly informative way.